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5.3.6 Training in Spill Prevention Control and Cleanup Procedures.

Following and practicing prevention techniques; and proper procedures for the handling of containers of chemicals is the most important part of spill control. Most human error spills can be prevented from ever occurring. If a piece of equipment malfunctions chemicals can be released. Small slow leaks may be a warning sign for us to notice before total failure takes place. Small spills of oil should be cleaned up immediately. Absorbent materials are located in each elevator room and in the Campus Services Garage. Always use the goggles and gloves provided in the spill kits. Report the spill and any items used during clean-up to EHS Mark Musser at 920.923.8618 

(Example of a small oil leak report) 

Date: 10.1.2010 Building: Administrative Building – Mechanical room 

Type: hydraulic fluid leaking from elevator tank 

Amount: Small amount less than a gallon 

Supplies: 1 absorbent pad 15”x 19”, placed in 5 gallon pail 

Reported by: (please provide your name and phone number)


Administration Building – small leak Small leak or spill less than 3.785L or 1 Gallon (contained inside building – no drains) 

1. Small spills should be cleaned up immediately. Absorbent clay spill kits are located in each hood, and each chemical store room.

2. Always use the goggles and gloves provided in the spill kits. 

3. Report the spill and any items used during clean-up to EHS Mark Musser at 920.923.8618 

(Example of a small spill report) 

Date: 10.1.2010 Building: Ben Sadoff Science Building – room S102 

Location: spilled on first work station next to hood and also on floor 

Type: HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) SDS warning DANGER! Strongly corrosive to all body tissue and moderately toxic by ingestion and inhalation. Target organs: Respiratory system, eyes, skin, lungs 

Amount: Small amount less than a gallon (2 liter glass bottle) 

Supplies: 16 oz. containers of Kitty Litter - one in each hood, ½ of package of bench top acid neutralizer, 1 pair rubber gloves, 4 - 500ml clear containers 

Reported by: (please provide your name and phone number) Medium leak or spill less than 19.925L or 5 Gallons (contained inside building – no drains) 

Medium spills should be cleaned up immediately. The room may have to be evacuated depending on the characteristics of the chemical spilled, and the area where the chemical is spilled. Spill kits with absorbent materials are located in each one of the (7) elevator rooms and in the Campus Services Garage. A Spill Control Cart with absorbent material is located in the Ben Sadoff Science building room S103. 

1. Evacuate the affected area at once! 

2. Pour absorbent clay to cover spill, this will absorb the spill and reduce vapors. 

3. Report the spill and any items used during cleanup to EHS Mark Musser 920.379.7995 

(Example of a medium spill report) 

Date: (00/00/0000) Building: (Location, room number) 

Location: spilled on 


Amount: Medium amount less than 5 gallons 


Reported by: (please provide your name and phone number) Large Leaks and Spills over 19.925 and over 5 gallons, and/or Releases to the Environment 

1.    All Emergencies call 9.911 and state the type of emergency Be prepared to provide as much detailed information as possible (e.g. location, type, amount, or volume)

Examples: Spill of Hazardous Substance / Cylinder leak releasing fumes and vapors /Large Spill of Substance that is not contained and is threatening the water supply / Natural Gas Leak / Fumes, Vapors / Leak from used Cooking Oil Container (see Sanimax note) 

Steps to take after calling emergency services 

2. Persons should be evacuated from the affected area at once. 

3. Seal off the area to prevent further contamination until the arrival of a trained responder. 

4. Persons who may have been contaminated should seek medical attention immediately. 

5. Call Campus Security - Matt Rose (On Campus) x 8950 (Off Campus) 923.8950 

6. Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs -Dr. Sheryl Ayala 920.904.2852 (cell) 

7. Director of Facilities - Brent Skiba 920.948.1603 (cell) 

8. Environmental Health and Safety Specialist - Mark Musser 920.379.7995 (cell) 

Reporting a Spill into the City Sewer: 1.920.322.3660 (24/7 ) 


(1) Users shall immediately notify the City of an upset, spill, or other slug that has a reasonable potential to cause a violation of any applicable pretreatment standard or requirement. 

(2) The report required by subsection (1) shall include: 

(a) The location, date and time of the discharge; 

(b) The character (e.g. oil, hydraulic fluid, used cooking oil) and volume of the discharged material; and 

(c) Containment or other corrective action taken by the user. 

Note: After reporting the above information (1) (a),(b),(c) forward it to the Environmental Health and Safety Specialist Mark D. Musser at or call 920.379.7995(cell) who will complete and submit subparts (3) and (4). 

(3) Within five (5) days after the report required by subsection (1), the user shall submit to the City a written report describing the cause of the discharge, the duration of the discharge, and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar discharges in the future. 

(4) The report required by subsection (3) shall contain the certification set forth in § 13.50.14 and be signed according to § 13.50.15. 

(5) Users shall immediately notify the City at 1.920.322.3660 (24 hours per day/7 days per week) of any emergency that may affect the sewerage system. 

Sanimax note: The Sanimax container for used cooking oil has a maximum capacity of 250 gallons. Office hours are from 8:00am to 4:30pm. For leaks call 1.608.846.5466, they have spill kits located on their trucks – mats and foam that are used to contain leaks. The unit is emptied every 12 weeks (the last pickup was about 225 gallons or 1,800 lbs.). 





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Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935


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